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Tragedy Into Triumph

Video Upload

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We want you to be part of the story!

For over 13 years, Tragedy Into Triumph has been providing amazing stories of transformation through the power of Jesus Christ.  This year we want to hear your story too!!!

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of testimony!

Revelation 12:11

Our Story

You have an amazing Tragedy Into Triumph story of how God healed you, delivered you, restored you, or provided for you. You have an amazing moment when God brought triumph to your life. On this page, is a way for you to share your faith story with the world through video.

It is our hope that we can provide a place where others can be encouraged and find Christ through your story. Imagine a collection of the transformative stories of God where people hear from others what God can do when we believe in Him! We believe that as people hear these stories they too will believe in Jesus and overcome as well!

There are three basic reasons for sharing “Your Tragedy Into Triumph Story”:

  1. It has Authenticity. You are the only one that can tell your story about your real-life experience with Jesus Christ.
  2. It Connects. “Your Story” has the ability to connect with individuals because every person has experienced tragedy in some form or another.
  3. It Provides. “Your Story” provides God an opportunity to speak to each heart, the things that their heart is already crying out for…even if they do not realize it. As you tell “Your Story” God will do the leading, our only call is to be obedient to tell what He has done for us!


Video should be less than 3 minutes in length. Do your best to follow these simple guidelines.

  • One Minute should describe your tragedy (loss, addiction, cancer, depression, adversity, lust, etc).
    *People will come to this website to find hope and will be struggling with the same tragedy God has brought you through. Make sure to effectively communicate the tragedy and strive to put the tragedy into one word both for the video and for the video description.
  • One Minute should describe how you found Christ.
  • One Minute should share how Christ brought triumph to your life.
    *How are you now living in triumph through the power of Christ? Be Specific.
  • Every video should start with, “My name is _(first name only), and this is my story of triumph!”
  • You can use your phone, tablet, or computer to record your story and upload it here.
  • Make sure that nothing is in your background that can be used to identify you.
  • Do not mention locations that could identify you in your video.
  • Pray over your story before you record it asking God to give you wisdom on how to share it.
  • Practice your story to ensure that you are communicating it effectively.
  • Remember the goal is to engage people so that they too will want to find Christ.
  • We will group the stories for display on our website based on tragedies so that people will be able to find hope quickly based on the tragedy they are going through.
  • Be positive and realistic looking directly into the camera. Make sure you give adequate brief detail… remember this is “Your Story”.
  • Remember you are communicating the power of Christ; the focus of “Your Story” is “His Story”.
  • If you change your mind after you upload your video you can remove your story at any time by emailing:

You will need a google account to upload video.